Welcome to the O'Neill Family Blog

After much ado and trying to work out ways to keep my friends and family up to date with the O'Neill News, I thought it time that I set up a Blog Spot. I hope you enjoy reading the latest news and seeing the latest photos of our two beautiful girls, Jessica and Mikayla.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Jessica & Mikayla

Jessica, Nicola & Naomi

Jessica had a great day playing with her Sinclair cousins at her Great Aunt Dal's 70th Birthday on Sunday 24 June.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Jessica & Mikayla with their cousin Sam

Janet with Jessica, Sam and Mikayla

Erin, Joel, Sam and Jessica

Grandma and her girls

Here's a photo of Grandma O'Neill with her two grand-daughters...

Helpful little Jessica......

Jessica is fascinated with me breastfeeding. So much so, she wanted to help me out this morning with Mikki.

Mikayla's 1st Smiles

Mikayla has just started to smile and finally I got it on camera.....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Jessica & Friends

One of Jessica's best friends is Oscar. They play together so well and are always hugging and kissing. Oscar's little sister, Claudia, is 3 months older than Mikayla so stand-by for more photos!!!

Here is Jessica with the Sheehan Girls. Mummy met Amy & Emma's Mummy, Amanda, in hospital after Jessica and Amy were born. Amy is a day younger than Jessica and Emma is a few months older than Mikayla but they're all good friends.

Jaxon and Jessica are Wiggles Buddies and will soon be going to see Dorothy the Dinosaur's Dance Party together. Jessica recently went to Jaxon's party and tried to open up his presents and take over the party.

Michael and his girls

Jess with Family

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mikki with Family

Mikayla's First Month

Mikayla is now 1 month old.....

Jessica's 2nd Birthday - June 2007

Jessica celebrated her 2nd birthday on 2 June 2007. This year, because we had 3 week old Mikayla, we had a little party at home. Daddy did all of the cooking and even made the very special 'Lady Bird' birthday cakes.

Sisterly Love

Jessica just loves her little sister and is always finding ways to help Mummy.

Introducing Mikayla Louise O'Neill...

Mikayla Louise O'Neill was born on 10 May 2007 at 4.04pm. She weighed 3.523kg and was 49cm long. Mikki (as she is known to Jessica) was born by elective c-section which was so much more relaxing than an emergency c-section.

Christmas 2006

Christmas 2006 was spent at Mum and Dad's and again was centred around Jessica. She was spoilt rotten and had a fantastic time opening up presents.

Jessica's 1st Birthday - June 2006

Jessica turned 1 on 2 June 2006 and we had a little party for her at Captain Burke Park down by the River. She had a wonderful time with her friends and family.

Jessica's Christening - February 2006

Jessica Paige was baptised at St Brendan's Parish Church on 12 February 2006. We then celebrated with a few drinks and nibblies at The Willow Hotel.

Jessica's First Christmas - 2005

Christmas 2005 was celebrated at Jenny & Ray's place in Caloundra. We all had a wonderful time after staying at the Ramada Pelican Waters for a couple of days. Jessica's 1st taste of Christmas was all that we expected and it really does prove that Christmas is all about kids!!!

Introducing Jessica Paige O'Neill...

Jessica Paige O'Neill was born 2 June 2005 and is a true delight to Michael and I. She weighed 3.686kg and was 51.5cm. I went through a 12 hour labour before having an emergency caesarian.