Welcome to the O'Neill Family Blog

After much ado and trying to work out ways to keep my friends and family up to date with the O'Neill News, I thought it time that I set up a Blog Spot. I hope you enjoy reading the latest news and seeing the latest photos of our two beautiful girls, Jessica and Mikayla.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dorothy the Dinosaur's Dance Party

On Wednesday 22 August 2007, Jessica and I went to Dorothy the Dinosaur's Dance Party with Jaxon and Kylie White. We had a great time and Jessica spent half the time down in the Baby Mosh Pit. For a little girl who was a bit overwhelmed to begin with and wanted to go home, she soon warmed up when the concert started with 'Rock-A-Bye Your Bear'. Roll on the Wiggles Concert in December!!!!!!

Jessica in the Baby Mosh Pit

Jessica in action

Muscling her way to the very front to get a glimpse of Henry the Octopus, Captain Feathersword and Dorothy the Dinosaur.

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