Welcome to the O'Neill Family Blog

After much ado and trying to work out ways to keep my friends and family up to date with the O'Neill News, I thought it time that I set up a Blog Spot. I hope you enjoy reading the latest news and seeing the latest photos of our two beautiful girls, Jessica and Mikayla.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Our Weekend at Mooloolaba

After a stressful week with Mikayla having pneumonia, a weekend at Mooloolaba was a big treat.

We spent the weekend with Julie and Jeremy and Nana and G-Pa and despite the fact that it was raining in Brisbane, we had lovely weather up there (even if it wasn't particularly hot and was a bit windy).

Jessica having a Baby Cino on the Esplanade
Fishing with Daddy

Daddy and his girl

Mikayla just chilling

Jessica in her cute patriotic togs

Jessica getting into the spirit of holidays

G-Pa, Uncle Jezzie and Jessica

Jessica playing with her new pink Fishing Rod

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